Thursday, May 22, 2008

Much ado about nothing

Today I don't have anything specific to blog about so...hmm...what to say....maybe I'll just talk about my plans for the day. The news announced that the price of gas is at $4. Yowza. In defiance of that news, I'm going to try to bike to the kids' school today to take pictures of Young Authors Day. I need to make it back home and then back again (unfortunately in a vehicle) to have the auditions for the Variety Show. Princess has decided to sing a song from High School Musical. That should be interesting. She does have the ability to hold a tune, but there are some spots that are not as, uh, tuneful. Its all fun. Then we'll head to Monkey's (and Coach Dad's) soccer game.
My evening then starts with me getting prepared for Bunko that has the theme "Always a Bridesmaid". I actually do have one bridesmaid's dress left from back in the day. It is from my brother's (Uncle Sock's) wedding. Princess now uses it for dress up. I'll have to borrow it from her. In the big scheme of bridesmaid's dresses, this one was actually quite nice and simple. The drop waist part of it 'dates itself' but is was a simple, garden party, type dress in light pink. I can still wear it, sort of. I was a shadow of myself back then and so the dress didn't even skim my hips, now my hips skim. On the top half, I did not 'fill out' the dress, now I fill to overflowing (and it is uncomfortable and looks like I have 4 boobs instead of 2). I'll have to do adjustments on the top half in order to keep circulation flowing, but I'm committed to wear the dress. I'll have to put my hair in some 'up do' appropriate for the dress, I have plans. I guess the other important element would be getting a bouquet of flowers, another thing to put on my 'to do' list today. So, as much as I thought I had nothing to say I definately filled up this space. Consider me 'unblocked'. Tomorrow is NO SCHOOL for the chillins. I actually enjoy these days. We may plan to have breakfast at the Mothership (aka husband's work) and then walk to the bus depot and take the bus into the city for an adventure. Its all fun and games.

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