Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Putting our money where her mouth is

Well the time has come for us to face the music. We knew that Princess would need to visit the orthodontist sooner rather than later due to crossed front teeth. I thought it would be just a minor adjustment maybe just retainer. Ohhhhh, nooooooo, it is much more fun than that. It turns out that her bottom jaw sets back further than it should which causes her to have an overbite which isn't due to her teeth but due to her jaw. Therefore, the jaw must be moved forward. This could be done by headgear but that is the "old way". The new way involves manually and slowly coaxing the jaw forward with a complicated technical contraption that involves a crank and braces too. So, we're starting now while the jaw is still malliable to make the movement swifter and easier. And, oh by the way, this is just phase 1. When the rest of the adult teeth come in, braces will likely need to be put back on due to crowding on the top teeth. The payment could feed a whole African country I'm sure. When I told my husband about the new jaw we are buying he was a bit overcome by the price, and somehow felt 'bamboozled' into saying yes because, who knows better than the orthodontist who has to pay off a boat, summer house and trip to the South of France!

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