Saturday, May 3, 2008

Trying to fit in

I made it out alive from the PTA convention. There is standard by which the participants display their 'accomplishments' in the form of multiple (and I mean multiple) ribbons to tell where they are from, how many awards they have won, and other 'badges of honor'. Well, I DON'T have any badges of honor so my friend bought me some....if you read them you'll see how 'seriously' I take the PTA convention. The event was true to form, with the very serious, committed members and the many (and I mean many) larger (and I mean larger) women at the event. Good people watching for sure.

Last night, my partners in crime and I made our way up to the hotel bar to watch an even crazier (read scarier) phenomenon; dedicated PTA divorcee moms dancing and flirting with the airport, hotel bar clientele. What fine speci"men" does one think she'll score at an airport, hotel bar I have to ask? I thanked my lucky stars that I am 13 years happily married and wasn't part of that scene. I DID dance a few times with some of these speci"men" with the rider that I don't "dirty dance". I made it out in one piece thankfully and never lowered my 'dancing standard'. I had to scurry home early this morning to prepare for an 8 year old girl party. It is NO FUN having 10 screaming girls over when suffering from a slight hangover...that is why after the girls left, I had a VERY LONG nap!

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