Sunday, May 4, 2008

Gratitude X 10

  1. Crazy week is over; but, new crazy week begins

  2. Pictures published in the local 'rag' from our Hawk Walk

  3. Successful 8 year old party - shrinky dinks ROCK! (see picture)

  4. Husband 'holding things together' while I was at PTA convention

  5. Glad I am not a divorcee PTA mom

  6. Hearing nice things about my blog from friends across the continent

  7. Ready to refocus my fitness and health starting Monday (Monday's a time to start again; Sunday is a time to gorge because Monday is coming)

  8. People still talk to me despite my HUGE pimples on my chin (puberty is hitting at age 39...huh?)

  9. Sun on Sunday - yeah!

  10. Happy healthy family


Anonymous said...

As far as "what do Mayflowers bring?" they bring Pilgrims!

Laura English said...

You are so smart!!!!