Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My life as a children's book

Yesterday I had time and energy to do a little cleaning and organizing. I'm not usually in that mode, but somehow yesterday was a day for it. It all started with the sock clean out the day before, which lead to the cupboard clean out, which lead to the accidental junk draw clean out (well actually, junk is now in a box to be filtered). Each one of those clean outs was not planned. I had had it with having no matching socks. Then yesterday I needed something in the cupboard but couldn't locate it, so I cleaned it out. Then I was trying to move something from the cupboard to the junk drawer but dropped everything on the floor (that was a forced clean out). Anyway, by the end of my twisting, turning and cleaning, I felt like the now classic book, If You Give A Mouse a Cookie...where every new item introduced lead to a different but more fun and messy adventure. Mine was definitely messy but not really fun!

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