Friday, October 17, 2008

Two steps forward, one step back

Today has been one of those Murphy Law days. I was helping get a grant application in before its deadline. We actually got it in in great time, but I had signed up to do copies and get it into the office for the originator of the grant. Well, copy machine runs out of paper, teachers come in needing to jump in to copy something, stapler is out of staples, I needed to make another copy after having "industrial" stapled a document, I forgot the applications in my car having walked all the way to the office get the picture, one little thing after another to 'upset' a smooth orderly process of submitting a grant that CANNOT be late and MUST be perfect. That is my next task.

I have important homework due for my class that is to be read by THE Martha Beck. I have had it done for ages but for some reason I never got the the will to submit it. Today I realize that I could possibly miss the Deadline which is 48 hours before our class on Monday. I rush home to submit. I open Internet Explorer, it is still not working. I go to Firefox, get to the website and my 'cookies' are not there, so I have to remember my username and password, I forget them both so I have to search around in old emails to find them. I finally do and I finally get it done and I am not late for my homework...but I could have been. I don't know if "the Internet ate my homework" is a good excuse. Anyway, once again it is Friday and once again I am wondering if it is 5 o'clock somewhere? And NO Mom, I don't have a problem.


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