Friday, October 3, 2008

Tree Mold

I can tell the fall is upon us, not by the nip in the air or the changing of the leaves, but because my eye is a big swollen mess from me rubbing it all night. I also have that telltale sinus headache and the nasal stuff. I am obviously allergic to something in the fall here. It used to be the normal springtime hay fever that got me (which I still have) but now it is a fall something too.

I always say that I have a memory of a dog. They seem to be able to go from one moment to the next without memory of what just transpired. Like when you leave them for a whole day and they are miserable and then you come home, they could care less because you're home and they are happy and they're all like "what miserable day, I didn't have a miserable day, I'm a happy dog". Anyway, I feel like that is what I do with my allergies. When they magically disappear at whatever moment they do, I forget about them and then they come back again and I say...Oh yeah, I have allergies....I've never gone to a doctor about them but maybe this is the year. I'm not a huge fan of medicating, but one day I might rub my eyelashes off and then I'd be REAL PRETTY.

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