Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Branding needed

OK here is the challenge: Come up with a name/brand for my business that would be informative, light hearted, inviting and so on and so forth. I also need to be able to secure the domain name which is another challenge. So, if you know me, if you know what I'm trying to do, if you are creative and want a challenge...help me!

I am going to be a life coach who MAY focus on business-related coaching and individual life issues coaching (still feeling that out), I am authentic, I am gentle but also don't let you get away with things (like not doing what you set out to), I am empathetic, I want you to succeed, I want to support you, I will be there for you, I am practical, I am realistic (but intend to stretch reality a bit), I am goal oriented....I like to have fun, I like to laugh, I like to make you laugh.

That is my 5 second brainstorm of me and some of what I hope to be. Start the suggestions!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Title: Mrs. Englishes Ass-Kickin' Life Survival Camp.
Motto: No Wusses Allowed!
Sub-Motto: Put on your big girl panties and go do it.
No, seriously, I'll think on this and get Bob to help. He's good at this stuff.