Thursday, April 9, 2009

Birds and Bees

Last night I attended a lecture on the birds and bees. I have to say I know a thing or two about them, but I DON'T KNOW what/how/when I'm going to communicate that with my kids. I believe I've missed some 'teachable moments' in the past and want to gain back the 'power' to really give my kids the understanding (as best I can) of what this topic is, how it relates to them (at the appropriate time) and where our family stands on some of the bigger issues. My kids are by no means ready for the big stuff but my daughter probably is ready for the basics (or at least soon). I believe she is emotionally ready for the information, so the question is when, what, where, how and why? I'm feeling like the universe is giving me messages because a few weeks ago I had told someone how I'm feeling very 'vulnerable' right now with my daughter because she is starting to exhibit clear signs of 'school girl' crush with one of her classmates. It is sweet and innocent, but it is there (blushing, trying to be in same proximity, skating together at 'skate-night'). I feel that I should play a role in this self discovery she is having so that the lines of communication are open and that she can ask questions when she feels the need...BUT I am feeling 'out of control' in terms of what the right approach is, how much information, don't want to scare her away, don't want to encourage too I'm guessing I have some reading in my future (very near future too). Anyway, after I had this discussion with my friend, I got an email about this birds and bees I took the message from Ms. Universe and went (glad I did). Then yesterday I saw that Oprah is having a whole session on Sex Ed...HELLO, another message. I'm in a big GULP phase right now. This is going to be one big LONG Uncomfortable GULP...but I believe that it should be long (meaning not just one conversation in 4th grade) and it should be open and it should be two-way and it should be supportive...but golly I'm feeling a little 'out of my league'....I need a support group...I'd name it PEST (Parent Education on Sex Talks).

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

You may be on to something. My friend's son is having the talk today at school. She is so nervous about what he might ask her when he gets home. She won't bring it up and will only talk about it if he comes to her. I don't agree with this way of handling things. So you may be on to something...PEST, may be the start of a new web site or something that you can get going...