Friday, April 3, 2009

Ain't no sunshine when they're here

My parents were here for 6 days and it CHUCKED DOWN RAIN 5 of the 6 days. It was hard for them not to take it personally especially when the sun decided to shine just about the time that their plane took off from the airport on their journey home. The upside of the rain is that I spent some good quality time with my parents, my mom re-covered our kitchen chairs, my dad played Lego's with my son, my mother took my daughter and I shopping, we all went to the movies....all of that equated to either me spending quality time with my family (minus my husband who is in Tokyo right now) OR my parents spending quality time with their grand kids. I love my parents, I love that they come and visit, I love that I can still see them, chat with them, hug them and really know that I am connected with some awesome human beings. In fact, every time I hug them now, it is a real genuine, long, heartfelt hug. They mean so much to me that without that hug to last until the next time, I might actually expire. My parents are GREAT huggers and I thank my lucky stars for that. So until next is an 'air hug' for you!

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