Monday, April 13, 2009


I had a blank moment in my head...and then I looked at my mug (which is actually my daughter's mug) and it says laugh....well, I didn't laugh, but that word does bring a sense of joy by just reading it. Even if you don't do it, you know how it makes you feel. Sometimes I think I don't laugh that much, but I'm not sure that is true. When I'm with my friends I know that we're all pretty whitty and so I'm sure we're laughing. In fact on Thursday-Saturday I'll be in Austin, TX with my 'mates' from college and I know there will be laughter...I can count on it.

I think the thing that I am trying to 'tap' in my thinking is that I see myself as an 'even-keeled' person in general, I don't get too happy and I don't get too sad. I think the M-O has served me well, but when I get all introspective, I wonder if moving closer to the ends of the sprectrum every once in awhile might be interesting as well. I know that I feel a shift when I've had a good laugh (or cry for that matter). It feels as though something has been stirred inside. I believe that even-keel 'protects me' from disappointment, but what will I be disappointed about? What would happen if I were disappointed? What would happen if some unexpected fabulous "knowing" happens? I'm not expecting that I will change my M-O as a result of this introspection but it is something to ponder...what does playing it safe get you? What does protecting from disappointment get you? I know this week I'll be laughing more...and that is a good thing. I think for a good cry though, I'd prefer to get that from a movie right now versus a life experience (if you know what I mean). Just thinking out loud!

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