Tuesday, April 14, 2009


So, I've been exploring what 'feeling state' I'd like in my life to move toward my goals of having a successful coaching practice, having a flexible schedule, enjoying my family, being financially secure, being of service to others, and continuously learning (to name just a few goals of mine)...I've decided that feeling busy and connected would be a good place to start. I'm now deciding that I might want to put some qualifiers on HOW busy and HOW connected (or the quality of connections and the quality of my 'busy-ness') because I'm on overdrive right now and I don't think it is sustainable over time. So...its back to the drawing board to see if there are some more details I can obtain from "myself" to see what I really want to feel and how much of it. They say that if you can find the thoughts, feelings and actions of what you want out of life....then you can get more of it....well, a bit of adjustment is needed...but I'm honing in on the sweet spot. Excuse me while I meditate - ohm!

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