Tuesday, September 9, 2008

13 years ago Holly Hobbie got married

I always look at my wedding album and think I resemble Holly Hobby. When I was in High School a friend likened me to Nelly from Little House on the Prairie (who was a bit of a brat). Lets just say I'm a mix of the two in temperament.

So today is the start of our 13th year married. We were married on 9/9/95 which is a great one on many levels. One is that there are only 2 numbers to remember. It is also easy to "do the math" with that date (which as some of you know is not my strongest subject...but don't tell my kids). Another reason for this being a good date is that it puts a happy spin on the day which actually had a very sad spin the year before with the murder of a friend (not to get all morose here). So, its a good day, a good year, and a great marriage (if I do say so myself).

Both my husband and I have a solid pedigree when it comes to marriage. Both of our parents are together and so we have great role models for ourselves, our marriage and for our family. For us, it means a lot. I always like to say the 'not being married' is not an option and I believe that. I struggle with those who end their marriages because it 'belittles' my commitment and it makes me feel that marriage isn't a valued commodity (in the outside world). Well, it is valued in my world. It also is quite incredible that we have intuitively gravitated toward couples who also share our same value on marriage (with a few exceptions but I'm not holding judgement). That also helps for our bond to remain solid and stable.

I love my life, I love my family and I truly and deeply love my husband. So raise your champagne glasses and share a toast to our 13th year (and many more).

1 comment:

MA said...

I was there and loved every single second of the grand event! Love you all,MA