Saturday, September 13, 2008

Why is it?

Why is it that there are some people that you "just can't get it right with" when, in fact, you really want to? I've had this in social and working relationships. You know the situation where it seems that in every interaction you make a misstatement, or you forget to call them or you misplace something they gave you...and it keeps happening eventhough you really want to have a 'smooth' relationship with them. In my career as a photographer I've had a client here and there where I just couldn't quite get my "stuff" together and then all along the way with that one client, I'd make mistakes, lose something, the processor would mess up the film, I'd forget to call and on and on. None of it was intentional, it just was.

I'm starting to feel that way about a new client I'm starting with. I forgot to record our photo session date, which then meant that I scheduled a meeting on the exact date and time that I was SUPPOSED to be photographing. Then I lost their phone number so I couldn't call. Then they called me and I rescheduled (for this morning at 8am) and unbeknownst to me, they had called to cancel and so when I was knocking at their door at 8am...they were asleep and I looked like a stupid head. So....I need to turn this around and start on a better foot. I think there are 'practices' that people do where they envision their relationship working correctly and then you've put it out to the universe that, that is the way the relationship WILL be. It falls into the "Law of Attraction" philosophy. I'm going to have to do SOMETHING.

I had a similar issue when I worked in London. There was a woman who I could tell really didn't like me. I had to work with her on a project and she was my manager. She was often unkind, made me feel very "small and insignificant" and was a real pain in the petutie to me. So with that kind of 'set up', I was constantly making STUPID little mistakes all the time that she would call me out on and I couldn't seem to stop making them. One time we had been asked to lock our office door at a client's because we had sensitive materials (ie communications about a merger). I knew this and was all prepared to follow through. I was in the office but had stepped out for a nanosecond to get a sip of water from the fountain near the office...and OF COURSE the manager (meany woman) walked in at the very moment that I was not there....well she ripped me a new one and then some and made me feel even smaller and worthless....and so it goes. So, finally, I just had enough, told MY BOSS that I was not the right person for that project and was done with I ask Why is it? and How do I change it? I'm off to try to envision happiness and sunshine with my new client!

1 comment:

Hear Me Roar! said...

I'm catching up on some old posts... how on EARTH could someone not get along with you?!