Thursday, September 11, 2008

One word

Today I was going to write about the one word that has risen to the top for me to focus on in my life...but then I read my friends blog and he actually has the right word for the day....


As for my word.

My friend got me a bracelet with lots of words on it like simplify, relax, reduce etc. I think it has 12 words like that. I was sitting in a meeting dealing with a challenging issue and, I looked at my new bracelet and the word PERSEVERE caught my eye. I said, "boy I'll have to use that word a lot this year". We all laughed and concurred. Well that evening I looked at the bracelet again, and that same word caught my eye, but it in fact says PRESERVE......I think for me persevere is what I'm going to have to be doing a lot of this year in the role of President of the PTSA, but really the word doesn't sound proactive, it sounds reactive. Preserve maybe that IS what it is about:

Preserve my sanity
Preserve my self control
Preserve my sense of balance
Preserve my time to myself
Preserve my perspective on life

Even then, in my gut the word does not feel like an 'arms wide open' kind of word it feels like an arms wrapped around trying to control, protect, IS the word I'm searching for?

But as it stands, for today, the word really is Remember.....

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