Sunday, September 14, 2008

Gratitude X 10

  1. A lovely Anniversary dinner with my groom
  2. Walked most mornings with my friend in the SUNSHINE
  3. A new positive approach to coaching the "Green Vipers"
  4. Met my coach buddy for my Martha Beck program
  5. The crazy PTA week is over (no more speeches for a while)
  6. Friday night Wine Down (instead of wind down) with the neighbors
  7. Sunshine ALL WEEK (and more to come)
  8. Going to Wild Waves with the family today (for free: Thank You Microsoft)
  9. The Green Vipers were AWESOME yesterday, despite the heat and the missing teammates; besides winning, they passed the ball to each other OFTEN
  10. I get to meet Martha Beck tomorrow (well sort of, on a call with 27 other people).

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