Sunday, September 7, 2008

Gratitude x 10

  1. School started successfully (minus one day when Monkey forgot to get on the bus home)
  2. Lunch with friends on Friday (that might have to become a regularly scheduled event)
  3. Dinner at the Lake with Friends (goes in the book as a wonderful memory)
  4. Long bike ride to a cool park with my children
  5. Walks with my friend to keep on track with fitness and my 300 mile goal
  6. Out for sushi with Princess (while the boys went to a baseball game)
  7. Watching movies with Princess (Groundhog Day and a little of Legally Blond)
  8. Family canoe ride planned for today
  9. Time to myself to organize my office
  10. My class starts tomorrow at 10am...excited and a little nervous...It's all good!

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