Thursday, September 25, 2008

Coming clean X 10

I have no idea why I've had this urge to write a list of things that bother me about myself, but it has been brewing. I decided to do my list up to 10 (it must be some latent OCD thing), so some of the things aren't that big of a deal, but why not just get it all out on the table. What is to come of this out-ing of my dirty laundry...who knows? Maybe this will give me incentive to change some of them...or just let everyone know that I am human and this is what you get when you are a friend, colleague, relation or just an acquaintance of Chief.
  1. I do not like to work out and I can come up with all kinds of excuses why today is not the day to start
  2. I binge on sugar (sometimes eat almost a whole bag of candy)
  3. I often sleep in my clothes
  4. I don't wash my face at night or in the morning
  5. I have to shave my legs daily...all portions or else it HURTS
  6. I have been sleeping on the couch more often than I should, falling asleep with the TV on and not having brushed my teeth
  7. My closet is a wreck most of the time (I can claim it is the size but even when I had a big closet I had issues)
  8. My car is always messy and I don't enforce my 'rules' when I do clean it, so it goes back to messy which makes me CRAZY
  9. I watch all kinds of reality shows
  10. I hate cleaning and gardening

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