Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Best Wishes

This morning I awoke to the radio obviously reporting on something related to the Inauguration. The moment I realized what day it was my heart started beating fast and my head started spinning with thoughts of what this day means. It was an immediate emotional experience that I am sure that many from our great nation are feeling. The first image/metaphor for this day that came to mind was a 'wedding day'. And here is how it goes:

We spent many years being courted by this man Barack Obama. We fell in love, we are passionate about him and the love endorphins are flowing in our bodies...he asked us to take his hand, and we accepted. We are giddy with excitement of the future and the significance of the event. We are in love and today is the day that we seal the deal. I also fast forward to what it is like to be married and there is some greatness to being married but there are also realities of bills to pay, hard decisions to be made, times where we disagree, times where we are sad, times where we are joyful, times of excitement and then back around again. The passion and 'first love' feelings are replaced by more of a deep love that withstands all kinds of hardships (if we are lucky in love). So, as much as I am also giddy about today and what it means, I also hope that we as a people are realistic that this man is 'just a man' and he will do the best he can but HOLY Toledo he has taken on a huge commitment. It is like he has marrying someone who has been married many times before and who has tons of kids some of whom are angels and some who have some BAD behavior problems. He will envelope all of them into the folds of his love and strength, but there will be challenges and hard times....and then there also will be good. God bless you Barack Obama and best wishes for a life filled with joy, happiness and strength...everyone raise your glasses!

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