Friday, January 16, 2009

Good bits and bad bits

Good - I'm starting a 4 day virtual retreat and my morning started with a 30 minute session to set the tone for the weekend.

Bad - I made my daughter cry because I was firm with her about slowing down in her schoolwork (she has been making some consistent mistakes that I know are within her power)

Bad - My son hit his noggin on the spicket when he spit his toothpaste out (tears from him)

Bad (then good) - the kids missed the bus (positive out of it though is that I spent a nice drive with good conversation AND my daughter was actually more huggy and lovey than the day before...hmmm maybe making her cry leads to hugs from her....NO JUST KIDDING)

Neutral - I helped hang pictures for a PTA event (and will do more of it)

Good - I had another call for my virtual retreat and am energized by the speakers outlook

Good - I cleaned my body

The rest of my day is filled with neutral to good activities so, as much as the morning had the potential to 'ruin my day' I have found snippets of times to lift me back up. It is all a matter of off to a neutral activity of hanging more art (the good though is that I can be inspired by young artists and smile at their creativity)....tra la la

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