Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Its all in how you say it

Lately I've been focusing on how I phrase things and what I let out of my mouth. I am more conscious (but still have a ways to go) about my speech. I have decided to as much as I can put things in the affirmative and to try not to use words that conjure up what I DON'T want. My kids and I have been reading about this in a book called Sara. My daughter actually really latched on to this concept and could see how valuable it could be (ish). For example, instead of saying 'don't run' in the hallway, you can say 'walk' or even more broadly say, be safe in the hallway. That is a very 'remedial' explanation of this...but you get the point.

So, I've been trying to describe a situation where I've decided to make bold action. In that bold action, when I describe it, sometimes I feel compelled to say why and what is wrong. The more and more I focus on what is wrong, the more I feel like that is where my mind and heart is versus what I really want. much as I can, I'm avoiding the negativity in it all (sort of).

Another example of this phraseology just came to me this morning. I've been dreaming and scheming about how to make momentum on my business, what my niche might be, who my clients are and what makes me excited to coach. In the meantime, I'm noticing and 'working in the space' of where I've felt a lot of energy and excitement in my recent past. One area I've found is motivating people to 'clean out clutter'...either in their actual physical space, or their thinking. Both are exciting and I think both are related so I'm toying with this concept. I've even started to form a mini group of people I know and starting to spread my thoughts about it. I've gotten to the point where I'm thinking of upping the anty and starting a social network site (which are easy to find and adapt to your needs) to start being more deliberate about my communications, having it available as both push and pull information, and seeing if there is a 'community' for which I can serve...and possibly eventually make money with. I am not using money as my driving force...I am using my energy, desires, inspiration and all that jazz. So, what to call this site? I started my emails with the phrase "Utterly Clutter-free"...catchy right? The domain name is taken by a UK company. I might still be able to use something like this in the social networking realm. Anyway, as I was thinking about the title, I was thinking...hmmmm, it has the word Clutter in it. Clutter brings stressful feelings and images (maybe a select population thrives in it...but they are not my target). So, should I go with something more uplifting but also gets to the point (paints a picture) of what my intentions free your space, your life and your thoughts of clutter and other limitations. So...then there were other kind of crazy phrases I tossed into 'godaddy' with no avail. My point is...I want to start walking the walk and talking the talk of positivity (my brother just threw up right now). I think there is NO HARM in being positive, the alternative reads "Blech" to me..... So for today I wish you all a wonderful, stupendous, fantabulous, fantastic day! Cheers!

1 comment:

Hear Me Roar! said...

Okay, you did this for me before and it REALLY helped (another person's perspective and all that), so here are my brainstorms:

Utterly De-cluttered (is that more positive?)

Mojo Organizin' (an ode to The Doors)

A New View of You (TOTALLY borrowed from the name of my sister's new hypnotherapy business)

A Brand New Day (No rhyming, but kinda sunshine-y)

Muthybac (Those are the letters I have to enter in order to assure your blog I'm not a bot)

Metamorphosis (I had that on a list of names for my own business, when I was going to make new things out of old things)

Laura Aurora (Trying again for rhyming)

Organizzle fo' Schnizzle (Now THAT's a keeper!)