Tuesday, March 17, 2009


A while back, I named my inner Lizard...remember, her name is Alice (as in Wonderland).
Well, yesterday I was reminded that in the book Finding Your Own North Star, Martha Beck also describes that we possess the opposite of a Lizard within us (well, lets not get too technical because I have no idea what the 'true' opposite of lizard is but...). The opposite of our lizard (our negative fight or flight speaker in our head) is our inner WIZARD...so the only thing that is really opposite (which it isn't) is the W versus the L and it isn't like they're equidistant apart in the alphabet or anything....goodness, I've gotten off track.

Well, this morning at 3am as I could not sleep, I decided to check in with what my WIZARD qualities are and to name it. Yesterday, I heard on a call someone describing her wizard and she automatically named him Charlie (a supposedly male name - bet there are female Charlies as well). So, I decided I'd be all "hear me roar" and not do a male name. Let me list the qualities (10 of course) first and then I'll introduce you to my inner wizard.

  1. Courageous
  2. Practical
  3. Can-do approach
  4. Rational
  5. Insightful
  6. Giving
  7. Creative
  8. Intuitive
  9. Empathetic
  10. Strong

So as I was thinking of names that might represent some of these qualities, I thought of Amelia (as in Earhart). I don't know much more about her than she was a pioneering woman pilot (and she went missing) but her 'I can do anything' spirit seemed to speak to me. AND, the names Alice and Amelia have a ring to them. I think I'll introduce the two soon and I'm hoping that Amelia will be a good role model for Alice. Another technique is to find where they both belong 'in your body'. Alice seems to want to sit on my left shoulder and Amelia definitely fits in my chest near my heart and lungs. Both my lizard and wizard aren't too far apart in location but I like that Alice is on the outside of me and Amelia is within. As was Amelia, I am ready to fly (how corny is that?). I've got my seat belt buckled, parachute strapped on, air mask at the ready....here we go (MORE corny). Now as I've written this whole metaphor for my 'strong' part of me, I see it is linked to flying...curious that...I'm not that big into flying...but I'm getting better. Ready for take off!

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