Saturday, March 14, 2009

Vicious Cycle

One of my demons is housework. I am not a born organized (BO) person. I have been trying to train myself (or fool myself) into it, but it is a daily battle of which some days I hold my ground (never feel like I win) and others where I lose (and sometimes lose big). It is this really BIG stumbling block for me because I know that ultimately it is my thoughts about housework that are causing this grief, but I cannot seem to change my thoughts. Housework is NEVER ENDING and even if I feel like I've given it the Girl Scout try, it still is NEVER DONE. If I get the house to sparkle, I know that there is a closet that is about to spill its guts. OR if there is sparkle, I know that under the couch are 3 year old crumbs. For every step forward, my brain will remind me of what isn't quite done.

My husband is essentially a BO....and his parents are too. Having spent time at their house I see behaviors in both my in-laws that are clearly passed down to him. He cannot stand piles, he must have cleared surfaces, his first instinct is to tidy before anything else (if there is something to tidy). Having said that, it only goes so far....for example there are piles that are 'out of sight' and that is fine with him. And "clean" to him is a tidy home (not a sparkly home). I say none of this in a judgement way, it is as much "fact" as I can describe eventhough it is subjective.

So, knowing that my husband likes tidy (and ultimately I do too), I spend each day trying to get to tidy...BUT my tidying is more of a perfectionist scenario. If I am going to go around and 'spiff' up the house, I'll be putting all of the laundry away folded in its right place, I'll be sifting through the magazines to purge, I'll put all the toys away in their right place, and then I'll be distracted by an untidy shelf and spend time doing in so many words, I cannot turn on the 'good enough' button to efficiently get the house to a nice state vs. a perfect state. Then, by the time I've almost got the place tidy (to my standards)...I'm wiped the cleaning doesn't happen. House 'on the surface' looks awesome BUT PLEASE do not try to focus (just put your eyes at a half glaze) or you'll see the crumbs, the handprints, the dust, the toothpaste spit, the ring in the toilet, the unmopped floor (and so on and so forth 'til eternity). Daily I feel as though I am putting out these clutter fires and NEVER able to get to the next level of clean. And SO my brain is constantly reminding me that eventhough you spent 2 hours doing stuff you HATE you are not done, nope, not even close.

AAAAARGH stop the madness. What is a person to do? THEN...there are those friends that are BO AND they are clean too AND they seem to always be 'on top of it' AND their kids seem to magically put their things away AND, AND, AND.....I'm thinking hypnosis...that is what I need...does anyone have a recommendation?


Joy said...

Cleaning crew -- best $75 I spend every two weeks. Also, "the cleaning crew is coming, the cleaning crew is coming" is motivation to straighten things up so they can be effective at cleaning.

A cleaning crew doesn't eliminate the need to clean -- they can't sort and purge and tidy and they don't do windows. But, at least, the bathrooms are clean!

Also, I think you may like this that someone mentioned on Comfort Cafe:
Like you, I have a largely unstructured day and this list system seems to be reducing procrastination and increasing both productivity and fun.

Hear Me Roar! said...

A cleaning crew is only $75 every two weeks?! I too share the same difficulties as you with the absence of a "cleaning gene". It's neverending, and I came to peace long ago with the fact that I will never be one of those people who spends their spare moments of the day dusting and vacuuming. The tough part is the other people in our lives, who haven't resigned themselves to the same fate (as my great love Scott is also a bit of a cleaner himself). But if a cleaning crew is only $75 every two weeks?! I see a light at the end of the tunnel!

Chris said...

Happiness is being able to write "I love you" in the dust.
My MO is to set a kitchen timer for 10 minutes and work like heck in one room for that 10 minutes. When the bell dings, I stop and move on to the next room. Sweeping and vacuuming don't count. I'll do a whole floor at a time of those chores.
After you do this a few times, you figure out how to get the biggest bang for your buck in each room. Good luck.
