Tuesday, March 3, 2009

No gnus is good gnus

....with Gary Gnu

OK now seriously. I decided that I will not watch the news for the month of March. This is proving to be a little challenging because a) there are news commercials b) my husband has been sharing the bad news (like Bank of America being $2 a share...he almost took a job there) c) I still watch Oprah which also has current 'chatter'.

So...the jury is still out on whether I will watch Oprah. The main goal of this is to reduce the "chatter" in my brain of negativity in the world. I am not trying to reduce my grasp on reality, but I actually don't believe the today's media is a supporter of reality and in fact creates a false reality. My reality right now is that I have a loving family, I live in a town with great nature and people, I live in a home that is warm and cozy, I am able to feed my children three square meals a day, my husband still has a job, and I am pursuing my own career successfully SO...reality in my little corner of the world is going pretty well (minus the 401K dearth, plummeting stock portfolio and home value tanking...but TIME is also something I have). I think if I can keep my current "reality" moving on all cylinders then I can also help others in ways that might improve theirs as well.
If I start engaging in the media's message that I shouldn't be feeling ok about my life then I believe I'll start making decisions that will in fact make my life "not ok" and then 'all hell will break loose'....so, I'm operating on the "ignorance is bliss" principle with the knowledge that if there is something I NEED to know, I'm sure I will find it out soon enough! SO THERE (thumbs in ears, waving fingers, tongue out at the news media).

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