Saturday, March 7, 2009

To Market, to market

This past week I have been inundated with the bad news of the economy EVEN THOUGH I HAVEN'T BEEN WATCHING THE NEWS.

I've heard about more people losing their jobs, our school district having to slash $10 million (and counting) from its budget, and my husband felt compelled to talk about the 'free fall' of the economy with me. I actually welcomed his discussion because I was feeling anxious about "not knowing" what was going on. So...last night in my asleep/awake states, I formulated my blog about this (ish) and here is what I feel needs to happen....

1) Our mainstream media sources need to have a POSITIVE NEWS month wherein they are NOT ALLOWED to report on anything related to the tanking economy, war, asteroids....whatever might be BAD at the time.

2) ANYONE who is NOT IN DEBT, has a job, pays his/her mortgage and is making enough money to buy things MUST GO ON A SHOPPING SPREE (both in the stock market and in the shopping malls). Now this coming from MY mouth (so to speak) is hilarious because I HATE spending money...but I always have. I am not the person who has caused this mess...I already was living within my means (to a fault) so...for me to even think about spending my money is funny...but I am now feeling like it is my CIVIC DUTY. I feel like our shopping malls are now our charitable responsibilities because those malls have employees, those employees need jobs to pay bills and so on and so forth...yadda, yadda, yadda....

I'm sure there is a lot more to be done...but that is what my brain came up with in the middle of my sleep. Now...I'm off to buy SOMETHING...which is be gentle.

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