Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Yay Me!

My sister-in-law has informed me of the following...(see my most recent post for context)

It is considered very bad luck to kill a spider. Considering the many, many people who have killed spiders it certainly doesn't make the future bright, according to folklore! No matter how scary and ugly they are, however, having one in your home was considered good luck as the spider would protect the house and family from any misfortune. To have a spider living in your home meant that happiness would be yours so long as the spider remained. A spider dangling from the ceiling meant that money was coming your way and the small, red spiders, no matter what they were doing or where you found them, also meant financial reward. Seeing a spider outside was also considered lucky.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Ooops - so much for the spider I killed today. Although I did leave the one I saw in the garage alone...