Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I was looking for some pithy quote about being busy and this is what I chose to represent me at the moment. Each day I think I'm on top of things and then...I'm not.

Today for example looks like this:
  1. Get coffee for 'parent coffee' at school
  2. Entertain new parents at said coffee
  3. Do PTA 'stuff
  4. Drive 30 minutes for a photo shoot
  5. Photograph cutie petutie one year old girl for about an hour
  6. Drive 30 minutes back to coach 9 girls in soccer
  7. Coach the 9 girls (not really knowing what or how to coach) for an hour
  8. Shop for a piano book for however long it takes
  9. Make it home in time for said piano lesson (daughter)
  10. Fall down in exhaustion...and then tomorrow it begins again.

So...hopefully the quote is true...I'll be successful due to my busy-ness. Universe...please comply.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Hey Laura,

Just wanted to let you know that Sarah Palin started out by volunteering for the really could be the start of somthing big...!